A True Crime Story by Leslie Ghiglieri
"Can a purely evil heart change? Can a broken heart forgive? Leslie Ghiglieri provides a thought-provoking read as she chronicles the changes in a self-absorbed, psychopath and his mother, widowed by the murder of her husband."
— Dr. S. Michael Sasser, Retired Doctor of Psychiatry
"I have prosecuted a number of murders committed by family members. I think The Decision to Kill does an excellent job of sharing the struggles that survivors experience. The unanswered questions, wondering what could have changed and trying to make sense out of a senseless crime."
— Beth Heckert, District Attorney
"An intriguing book that catches your attention and keeps you reading! Author Leslie Ghiglieri compiles a startling amount of correspondence and weaves it together into a fascinating story you won't want to put down."
— Kimberly Tilley, True Crime Writer, Author of Cold Heart and two others
"Author Leslie Ghiglieri does a phenomenal job laying out the storyline. The description of the murder is suspenseful, and accurate depictions of the correctional institutions draws the reader into the scene. Inclusion of psych reports are profoundly interesting and gave me greater understanding into the killer's makeup. Ghiglieri's style has flare and is appealing, intellectual, interesting, and unfolds the story in a way that is comfortable for the reader."
—Scott Clauson, Retired Chief of Police